The Buntingford Journal - AdvertisingAdvertising:Adverts can be full colour, black and white or plain text. Most common file formats are acceptable, including png. jpeg, pdf, doc, docx or plain text. There is no additional charge for updating or changing your advert. If you do not have any suitable advertising copy then we can usually produce something for you based on a sketch or business card. Advert sizes and advertising rate are available here. Most advertisers take a full year of 10 issues but shorter periods are available with costs on a pro rata basis. For a small additional charge, your advert can be placed on the Buntingford Civic Society and Buntingford Journal websites with a link to your website. For one-off adverts or to advertise a specific event, contact the Journal editor at journal@buntingfordcivic.org.uk. Adverts for charitable or community events are normally free of charge. Web site:Any comments, bugs or non-working links related specifically to the web site, please email the web master at: webmaster@buntingfordcivic.org.uk |
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